Has it fallen off?
I had a problem, I lost my FitBit one morning and I was VERY upset with myself. I also found myself unmotivated to park a few spaces further because it wasn't like I was counting steps anymore. I didn't realize how a little piece of rubbery-plastic with a glorified pedometer on it would motivate me to walk a few more steps.
I have had my FitBit for about 7 months. I wasn't as competitive, then, as I am now. I joined the Fitbit Challenges using the Fitbit app, a Work Week Challenge and then a Weekend Challenge. I found myself being a bit more competitive being around such great people in our new neighborhood who are active and very supportive!
SO, you can see why I was so disappointed when I thought I lost it. (I ended up finding it in our home, which is another story in itself.)
SOLUTION: I needed something to keep the clasp together. I found a few ideas online that were a bit too expensive for something so little. Backing up a few months, as an Instructional Technology Consultant I heard a lot about 3D printers,
Here is a picture of my first few drafts. The very first one was the best, then I stopped measuring and estimated (not recommended.) I learned more about millimeters designing this
The middle one was my first attempt. I like this photo because it shows my thinking and learning about Sketchup.
My latest attempt.
A big thanks to the Creative Services Department at Heartland Area Education Agency for putting up with me and helping me through this process.
Up next I will share the file and screenshots of my project.
Happy learning, happy making!

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