F Marisa Dahl: HELLO is anyone listening?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

HELLO is anyone listening?

I have now spent quite a bit of time on my blog and looking at other teacher blogs, it seems to me I am very low in followers. Not sure what I need to do, any help would be wonderful!

Is anyone here? Follow me, so I can follow you!



  1. I'm following you in my googlereader!

  2. Have you joined a lot of other blogs? Sometimes it helps if you follow lots of blogs because they usually follow back. Or Blog Hops. Another thing is that people could be subscribing by email to you, instead of following.

  3. Linky up to linky parties....commenting on blogs and leaving your link in the comment...those help get followers!

  4. Oh, wow, I am so glad others are reading. I need to learn more about linky parties, I just don't understand them? Do you have to pay for an account? I also need to create a button. Thanks everyone for letting me know someone is out there reading!
